认知神经科学英文写作经验—图片,图注,文献引用, 公式,统计报告,补充材料 (3)图片图注文献引用公式统计报告补充材料补充材料title page补充材料正文

认知神经科学英文写作经验—图片,图注,文献引用, 公式,统计报告,补充材料 (3)







Figure 5. Schematic illustrations (A,C), predictions (B,D) and empirical results (E,F) for component- dependent and pattern-dependent VPL. A. The component-dependent VPL takes place at the lowest level of motion processing, as indicated by the red rectangle. Here, training on a component stimulus should only transfer to the plaid stimulus that comprises the trained component. Moreover, training on a plaid stimulus should only transfer to its two constituent components. B. Learning effects as predicted by component- dependent learning in panel A. C,D. Illustrations of the pattern-dependent perceptual learning and its predicted learning effects, following conventions in panels A and B. Here, plasticity involves the middle stage of motion processing. E. Duration thresholds at pre-/post-test across stimulus conditions in the component (left panel) and the plaid training (right panel), respectively. F. Learning effects quantified as percent of improvement (PI%) across stimulus conditions and training regimes. The overall pattern mimics the predictions in panel D, indicating plasticity associated with the middle-level of motion analysis. For all subplots, error bars denote ± 1 SEM across subjects. Significance symbol conventions are *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001; n.s.: non- significant. Same definitions of error bars and symbol conventions are kept for all figures in this paper.









Example 1:

A 2*2*2*8*2 ANOVA was performed with group (action/control) as a between-subject factor; test (pre/post2), run (first/second), external noise level (eight levels), and performance level (79.37% and 70.71%) as within- subject factors; and log signal contrast threshold as the de- pendent variable. The interaction between test (pre/post2) and group (action/control) was significant and in the predicted direction (F(1,14) = 3.25, P = 0.02, η2= 0.29), indicating that action trainees continued to show improved performance in the task months to a year after training.

Example 2:

Data were analysed with a 3 × 2 × 2 MANCOVA, with training group (control, AVG, MAT) and nystagmus as a between-subjects factor and eccentricity (12° and 25°) as a within-subjects factor. The main effect of training group was statistically reliable (F(2,14) = 4.14, p = 0.039; η2 = 0.63). Pairwise comparisons revealed significantly better performance in the MAT group relative to the control group (p = 0.045, Bonferroni corrected), with no significant differences between AVG and control groups (p = 0.30) and between MAT and AVG groups (p = 0.43). The main effect of nystagmus was not significant (F(1,14) = 0.33, p = 0.58, η2 = 0.08). Also, we noted a strong interaction of training and eccentricity (F(2,19) = 9.34, p = 0.004; η2 = 0.94). Pairwise comparisons revealed no significant differences between control and experimental groups at near periphery (AVG, p = 0.82; MAT, p = 0.47) but significant differences at far periphery (AVG, p = 0.032; MAT, p = 0.002, Bonferroni corrected).


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补充材料title page

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Pratical tips of academic writing in cognitive neuroscience for Chinese young researchers

San Zhang, Si Li, Wu Wang


Table of Contents

Supplemental Note 1: Dual N-back working memory learning task

Supplemental Note 2: Procedures of Study 1, Cross-Sectional Study

Supplemental Note 3: Procedures of Study 2, Training Study



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Supplemental Note 1: Dual N-back Working Memory Learning Task

The three studies used the same dual N-back working memory task albeit slightly different training procedures. We thus document the task details as follows.


Supplemental Note 2: Experimental procedures of Study 1, cross-sectional study

The three studies (i.e., cross-sectional study, training study, and replication study) used the same dual N-back working memory task albeit slightly different training procedures. We thus document the task details as follows.