Laboratory of Cognitive Computational Neuroscience and Neuroimaging
We are always interested in motivated undergraduate research assistants and graduate students!!! Let me know if you are interested in Cognitive Neuroscience, Machine Learning, Neuroimaging, and Computational Psychiatry. See details in Resources section
The group of Cognitive Computational Neuroscience and Neuroimaging (CCNN) is led by Dr. Ru-Yuan Zhang (张洳源 in Chinese), who is currently a Principal Investigator at the School of Psychology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, and Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine.
We are interested in using various behavioral and neuroimaging methods to investigate computational principles of human cognition.
Dr. Ru-Yuan Zhang
School of Psychology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Shanghai Mental Health Center, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
Shanghai, China. 200030
Mail to:
112 Zhongyuan, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
1954 Huashan Road, Xuhui District
Shanghai, China 200030
- Feb 08, 2025
We are glad that our work on visual perceptual leanring has been accepted by Nature Human Behaviour.
Cheng, Y.A., Sanayei, M., Chen, X., Jia, K., Li, S., Fang, F., Watanabe, T., Thiele, A., Zhang, R.Y.* (2025). A neural geometry approach comprehensively explains apparently conflicting models of visual perceptual learning. Nature Human Behaviour (accepted) bioRxiv
- Nov 15, 2024
We are glad that our work on active inference account of social anxiety disorder has been accepted by Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science.
Zhang, Y., Hedley, F.E., Zhang, R.Y.*, Frances Jin*. Towards quantitative cognitive-behavioral modeling of psychopathology: An active inference account of social anxiety disorder. Journal of Psychopathology and Clinical Science. (accepted)
- Oct 15, 2024
We are glad that our open-source tool for Bayesian Hierarchical Drift-Diffusion Modeling have been accepted by Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. The project is led by Chuan-Peng Hu at NJNU. Collaborators include Michael Frank, Alexander Fengler at Brown, Lei Zhang at Birmingham, Haiyang Geng at TCCI. Great team efforts!
Pan, W., Geng, H., Zhang, L., Fengler, A., Frank, M.J., Zhang, R.Y.*, Hu, C.P.*. dockerHDDM: A user-friendly environment for Bayesian Hierarchical Drift-Diffusion Modeling. Advances in Methods and Practices in Psychological Science. (accepted)
- July 27, 2024
We are glad to share our new reviewd preprint on temporal anticipation in the human brain. This is a collaborative effort with Prof. Xiangbin Teng at CUHK
Teng, X.*, Zhang, R.Y.*. (2024). Sequential Temporal Anticipation Characterized by Neural Power Modulation and in Recurrent Neural Networks. eLife. Link
- July 19, 2024
We are glad to share our new work on learning to learn in avid action video game players.
Yu-Yan Gao, Zeming Fang, Qiang Zhou, Zhang, R.Y.*. Enhanced 'learning to learn' through a hierarchical dual-learning system: the case of action video game players.
- Nov 19, 2023
We are glad to share our new work on perceptual learning in humans, macaques, and convolutional neural network.
Cheng, Y.A., Sanayei, M., Chen, X., Jia, K., Li, Sheng., Fang, F., Watanabe, T., Thiele, A., Zhang, R.Y.*. A neural geometry theory comprehensively explain apparently conflicting model of visual perceptual learning bioRxiv
- Nov 13, 2023
We are glad that our work about decision deficits in individuals with anxiety and depression has been recently accepted by eLife.
- Fang, Z., Zhao, M., Xu, T., Li, Y., Xie, H., Quan, P., Geng, H., Zhang, R.Y.*. (2023) Individuals with anxiety and depression use atypical decision strategies in an uncertain world. eLife (accepted).
- April 25, 2023
We are glad that two papers about abstract analogical reasoning in Raven's progressive matrix have been accepted by ICML2023 and IJCAI 2023. They are the first batch of top conference papers from the lab.
- Yang, L., You, H., Zhen, Z., Wang, D.H., Wan, X., Xie, X., Zhang, R.Y.. (2023). Neural prediction errors enable analogical visual reasoning in human standard intelligence tests. International Conference on Machine Learning. ICML 2023.
- Xu, Y.#, Yang, L.#, You, H., Zhen, Z., Wang, D.H., Wan, X., Xie, X., Zhang, R.Y.. (2023). RuleMatch: matching abstract rules for semi-supervised learning of human standard intelligence tests. The 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 2023.
- Nov 11, 2022
We are pleased to announce our preprints recently released. I started this projected two years ago during COVID-19 pandamic. It is finally out.
- Cheng, Z-J., Zhang, W-H., Zhang, R.Y.*. Representational geometries reveal differential effects of response correlations on population codes in neurophysiology and functional magnetic resonance imaging. bioRxiv
- Nov 11, 2022
We are pleased to announce several preprints recently released.
- Hu, C.P.*, Geng, H., Zhang, L., Fengler, A., Frank, M.J., Zhang, R.Y.*. A Hitchhiker's Guide to Bayesian Hierarchical Drift-Diffusion Modeling with dockerHDDM. PsyArXiv PsyArXiv
- Tomoko Kishimoto, Sun, L., Wang, C., Xu, H., Fu, Y., Cheng, Z.J., Jin, J., Zhang, R.Y.*. Psychophysical and Computational Signatures of Visual Working Memory Deficits in Adolescents with Anxiety Disorder. PsyArXiv
- April 29, 2022
- 10.5T paper "Ultra-high field (10.5T) diffusion-weighted MRI of the macaque brain" published in Neuroimage Link
- March 29, 2022
- Comment article "Promoting computational psychiatry in China" is online in Nature Human Behavior. We argue that development of computational psychiatry can greatly benefit confronting mental health problems in China. Link
- March 03, 2022
- New comment article "Promoting computational psychiatry in China" accepted in Nature Human Behavior
- Sep 23, 2021
- New paper "Atypically larger variability of resource allocation accounts for visual working memory deficits in schizophrenia" accepted in PLoS computational biology
- July 22, 2021
- New paper "Dissociable neural representations of adversarially perturbed images in deep neural networks and the human brain" accepted in Frontiers in NeuroInformatics
- New paper "Action video game play facilitates 'learning to learn'" accepted in Communications biology
- May 8, 2021
- New paper "SimAM: A Simple, Parameter-Free Attention Module for Convolutional Neural Networks" accepted in ICML
- Oct 10, 2020
- July 16, 2020
- New paper about noise correlations in fMRI has been accepted in Plos Computational Biology
- May 14, 2020
- New paper has been accepted in Neuroimage!
- Jan 06, 2020
- Start the new job at National Instititue of Mental Health
- Dec 08, 2019
- New preprint online bioRxiv
We develop a temporal decomposition method to remove venous effects in 7T high-resolution imaging
- Oct 06, 2019
- July 28, 2019
- Our short paper on noise correlation on human V1 activity accepted in Cognitive Computational Neuroscience Conference at Berlin this year!
- July 06, 2019
- Our new paper based on transfer learning
and CNN has been published in Journal of Neuroscience Methods link
- March 31, 2019
- Checkout my new paper about noise correlations and information coding in fMRI data.bioRxiv
- March 6, 2019
- New paper about pain perception and rubber hand illusion has been accepted in Frontiers in Neurosicence.PDF
- March 5, 2019
- New manuscript about visual working memory and distractibility in schizophrenia is available from bioRxiv.
- Feb 25, 2019
- New manuscript about visual encoding models with transfer learning and non-linear prediction algorithms has been submitted. The manuscript is available from arxiv.
- New Neuroimage paper has been published. PDF